Singing Guide: Donna McKechnie

Singing Guide: Donna McKechnie

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Donna McKechnie is an American actress, singer, and dancer who is best known for her portrayals in various Broadway productions. If you're interested in learning how to sing like Donna, there are some specific techniques you should focus on.

One of Donna's signature vocal techniques is her ability to sing with a clear, pure tone while maintaining an effortless breath control. In addition, she often employs vibrato in her singing to add emotion and emphasis to certain notes.

To begin learning to sing like Donna, it's important to pay close attention to your breathing technique. Breathing exercises such as Farinelli breathing can help you develop breath support, which is crucial for singing long phrases with ease. You can also explore Singing Carrots' articles about breathing basics and breath support to learn more.

Another important aspect of Donna's singing is her use of vibrato. Singing Carrots' article about singing with vibrato is a great resource to get you started with this technique. Additionally, the Pitch Training section on Singing Carrots offers a variety of exercises to help you develop vibrato.

When it comes to song selection, Donna is most well-known for her role in the Broadway show "A Chorus Line." The song "What I Did for Love" is a great showcase of her clear tone and use of vibrato. However, you can also explore Singing Carrots' song search tool to find other songs that match your vocal range, difficulty level, and genre preferences.

Finally, as Donna is also an accomplished dancer, it's important to pay attention to your posture while singing. Singing Carrots' article about how posture affects your singing is a helpful resource in this regard.

By incorporating these techniques and utilizing Singing Carrots' resources, you can learn to sing like Donna McKechnie and enhance your overall singing ability.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.